Popcorn is a common treat in our house. I'm not sure who loves it more... Bose, Mac OR Jimmy!

Making a "shark face"

Wearing Mama's pink hat...

Where's Bose?... There he is!!!

Snacking before church

The broken-down bar waiting for bulk pick-up...

My 2 rag-a-muffins

What sweet brothers

On Jimmy's childhood horse

Still one of the favorite toys

Notice his left eye? It's swollen here but then turned black. It looked like he was wearing eyeshadow.

Mac feeding his fish...
Nemo & Hunter

What a goofy child!!!

Dancing... a favorite past time
(you need to pause the play list at the bottom before playing this video)
Cute pics and video!
Gotta love these boys!
Sae Sae was so glad to see other people who love popcorn as much as she does! The boy are precious!
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