Patiently waiting for the emergency vehicles to come around the corner... Mac can hear them but can't see them yet...

Yep, I get excited about parades, too... like Mac, I enjoy the sirens

I think Bose is enjoying himself, too...

There they are...

There's McGruff in the tank...

And Smokey the Bear... or as Mac likes to call him, "Papa Bear"

And a Security Forces vehicle (aka Police car)...

Can't forget the Vandenberg Firetrucks that we see all the time but it never gets old...

Ahhhh, the first time on a police motorcycle... Mac thinks this is really, really cool...

Yep, a local Mountain Lion that was hit by a car...

And there's always a bouncy house at these events...

In the Firetruck again... still loving it...

Bose was definitely pooped... he has never fallen asleep in his jumperoo, so tonight was a first...
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