Our dear friends, Erica & Kevin, just got married in Vegas at the Mandalay Bay Resort last week. Jimmy, the boys & I had planned on being there (it's about an 8 hour drive from where we live in CA) and making about a 5-day vacation out of it but plans change and we're here instead. There goes my trip to Vegas. We still may drive through there when we leave CA for our next destination next summer. Erica was beautiful as always!!!

You have a beautiful friend. I love to look at wedding pictures.
Yes..plans change and somehow Vegas is always involved..HAHAHA I think I can actually feel that you are closer to me! :) Been thinking about you a lot and the boys...just want to scoop Bose up and give him a big squeeze! And I'm sure little Mac is as much fun as Jolie - they sooooo need to see each other!!!! Call me when you get a break dear friend!
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